Thursday, March 22, 2012


It has become apparent that people really do say the dumbest things. I recently heard that someone told a friend of mine that "If they couldn't have kids, then they would rather die." You can imagine how that made me feel. Well, I have stewed over this until I could find the right words to say.

1. I sure am glad that this was not said in front of me. I know that the McDaniel temper would have surely come out.

2. My purpose in life is not based on my ability or lack there of to have a baby. Is it important to me, YES! Otherwise, I would not put my body through the mood altering medication that I take every month. However, I do not want to be one of those people who loses their identity because they are so absorbed in their children. Don't get me wrong, I will hopefully one day spoil my children and do everything I can for them, but I am still a person with my own needs, wants, and vices.

I also do not want to be one of those people who no one wants to talk to because all they talk about are their kids! I know a few of those, and it is very annoying.

3. God made me special, no matter what. If for some reason, he does not want me to have children, then i am in the right profession. I have taken care of and helped to raise and instill proper behavior in 14 children this year.

4. Last but not least, be careful what you say because you have NO idea what cards you could be dealt! I had every intention of having at least one child before I was 30. Guess what... I have been 30 since October. I have been going to the doctor since I was 16. No one ever told me I would have trouble getting pregnant or would not be able to have kids. At the age of 29, I was told that I have PCOS. It took that long for someone to see what was going on.

Lesson for the day: Watch what you say because you might find yourself pulling your foot out of your mouth!