Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ultrasound #2

Today was ultrasound #2, and it was the first time I have taken 200 mg of clomid! Since taking the medicine, I have had weird and vivid dreams, more so than usual on previous rounds with lower doses. I have also felt like an oversized hippo! So, I went into the ultrasound thinking if these symptoms are any indication then the medicine must be working. So....drumroll please... There were 4 eggs this time! Two of the eggs measured almost 1 cm. He wants them to be 2 cm. So, I go in on Thursday for another ultrasound because he thinks that they will grow. He said there is a good possibility that I will get the hormone shot (we have been waiting on) on Thursday. I am so excited and hopeful at the same time! I just hope that these puppies keep growing. Since there are 4, he said that we would have that conversation at a later time. Mom's face was funny at the mention of twins, but it was even better when he said QUADS! All I know is that I will take whatever God blesses us with! Keep the prayers coming that I will get good news again tomorrow.